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Healthcare Equipment Provider in the Greater Peoria, IL Area

Locally owned and operated, Complete Home Respiratory Care is a healthcare equipment provider in the Greater Peoria, IL area. We have over 100 years combined experience providing top-quality medical equipment and services to healthcare facilities, organizations, and individuals. As a professional healthcare equipment and service provider, we recommend quality solutions that fit your individual needs. Our team of highly trained experts understands the unique needs of the healthcare industry and is dedicated to providing personalized solutions for our clients.

lady reading a book in a recliner chair

Improving Patient Care With Reliable Equipment

Our team is committed to providing patients and clients with an enjoyable and hassle-free experience. We help individuals dealing with recovery or prolonged illness find the right specialty product for their unique needs. By offering personal assistance and consultation, our team will help you find a solution to manage your health condition and re-establish your confidence. We pride ourselves on providing reliable and durable equipment that promotes comfort, mobility, and independence for our clients.

Respiratory Therapists On-Site

We always have a respiratory therapist on-site to accommodate our patients’ needs. We are here to walk you through the setup to ensure you understand how to use the equipment properly and your mask fits comfortably. We will give you instructions on how to properly clean and take care of your equipment. If you have any issues with your equipment, we are here and ready to assist.

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Empowering Your Health Journey

Whether your doctor has prescribed equipment or you have a condition requiring home care products, our team can get you the medical devices you need. We are here to help you navigate changes in the onset of an illness or disability so you can achieve greater safety and independence. We’ll work with you to understand your respiratory care needs and make suggestions to help you find the right equipment. We also offer training, education, and maintenance resources to help you adjust to change.

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Meet Our Owners

Our co-owners, Todd Horack and Donnie Byrd, founded Complete Home Respiratory Care in 2010. Both are Peoria area natives currently residing in Chillicothe and Peoria Heights, respectively. Todd has 40 years of experience in the durable medical equipment industry, while Donnie has 20 years as a practicing registered Respiratory Therapist. As experts in their field, they leave customers feeling comfortable and educated on their products. Being local owners of a small business, both Todd and Donnie always strive to provide a welcoming customer experience at Complete Home Respiratory Care.

Your Local Medical Equipment Solution

We are your local community-based medical equipment provider. We work closely with caregivers and healthcare providers to provide patients with the best supplies and equipment for their individual needs. Our team treats patients with courtesy and respect and is dedicated to improving patient care and promoting independence for individuals with health conditions. We offer a wide range of products and services, as well as personalized assistance and support. Contact us to learn more. We are here to answer any questions you may have and provide follow-up services at your request.

Quality Solutions for a Hassle-Free
Shopping Experience