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Bathroom Safety Equipment in the Greater Peoria, IL Area

Complete Home Respiratory Care offers a wide range of bathroom safety equipment in the Greater Peoria, IL, area to help ensure the safety and comfort of individuals with mobility or balance issues. Our products are carefully selected to provide reliable support and ease of use for people of all ages and abilities. We understand the importance of having a safe and accessible bathroom, which is why we offer high-quality equipment to meet your specific needs.

Women in a luxurious room

Why Bathroom Safety Is Important

Bathrooms can be one of the most dangerous places in the home for people who struggle with mobility or balance. Slippery floors, high tub walls, and hard surfaces can increase the risk of falls and accidents. This is why it’s important to have the right bathroom safety equipment in place to prevent injuries and promote independence. Whether you are aging in place, recovering from an injury, or have a disability, our Bathroom Safety Equipment can help create a safe and comfortable environment for your daily routine.

Essential Equipment for Stability and Confidence

Ensuring safety within the bathroom is essential for everyone, especially for those facing mobility challenges or those at a higher risk of falls. Bathroom safety equipment is designed to address these concerns, providing support, stability, and confidence to individuals as they go about their daily routines. Some of our top-selling equipment includes:


These portable toilets can be used in any room for those who have difficulty using the bathroom.

Tub Transfer Benches

These are useful for those who have trouble stepping in and out of the bathtub. Transfer benches allow for easy entry and exit by sliding across from the outside of the tub.

Toilet Safety Frames

These frames can be attached to the toilet for added stability and support.

Grab Bars

These are essential for providing stability while moving in and out of the bathtub or shower. They come in different sizes, shapes, and materials to match your bathroom décor.

Bath Stools

For those who may have difficulty standing for long periods of time, a shower chair or bench can provide a safe and comfortable option for bathing or showering.

Handheld Shower Heads

These can provide added convenience and safety, allowing individuals to control the direction and flow of water while sitting or standing.

Elevated Toilet Seats

Similar to raised toilet seats, these are designed to make using the toilet easier and safer for those with limited mobility.

Enhance Bathroom Safety and Independence

Investing in bathroom safety equipment is a crucial step toward promoting independence and preventing accidents in the bathroom. With our high-quality products and personalized services, we are committed to helping individuals maintain a safe and comfortable bathroom environment. Our team of experts can provide a free consultation to assess your needs and recommend the most suitable bathroom safety equipment for your home. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

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