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Durable Medical Equipment in the Greater Peoria, IL Area

Our team at Complete Home Respiratory Care provides durable medical equipment to patients in the Greater Peoria, IL, area. Our high-quality products help patients maintain their health and independence at home. We offer a variety of equipment from trusted brands, ensuring the highest level of comfort and convenience. Contact us to learn more about our healthcare products. Our dedicated team is here to assist you in selecting the right equipment and providing ongoing support to ensure your satisfaction.

Quality Equipment for Home Healthcare

We provide home healthcare solutions for patients requiring medical aid at home, providing them with the necessary tools to manage their health conditions effectively. From wheelchairs and walkers to more advanced apparatus like ventilators and home oxygen equipment, our essential medical equipment is designed for patient comfort and mobility, ensuring accessibility and enhancing the quality of life for those with chronic conditions.

Manual Wheelchairs

Manual Wheelchairs provide essential mobility to individuals who have difficulty walking or cannot walk, offering them independence and flexibility in their daily activities.

Manual Transport Chairs

Manual Transport Chairs are designed for easy maneuverability and transport, offering a lightweight solution for caregivers to assist individuals with mobility challenges.

Wheeled Walkers (Standard & Rollators)

Wheeled Walkers, including standard models and rollators, enhance stability and mobility for individuals needing additional support while walking, featuring designs that cater to diverse mobility requirements.

Hospital Beds

Hospital Beds offer adjustable features for comfort and medical needs, providing patients with the necessary support for recovery in the home setting.

Patient Lifts

Patient lifts help safely transfer patients with mobility issues between beds, chairs, or wheelchairs, enhancing comfort and reducing the risk of injury for both the patient and the caregiver.

Canes (straight & quad canes)

Canes offer support and stability for individuals with balance or mobility challenges and are available in straight or quad designs to meet varying needs.

Serious wheelchair-bound person attempting to cross street

Elevate Mobility With Lightweight Wheelchairs

Our lightweight wheelchairs stand out as a premier choice for individuals seeking mobility solutions that combine ease of use with comfort. Designed with the user’s lifestyle in mind, these wheelchairs are not only easy to maneuver but also simple to transport, making them an ideal option for those who lead an active life or often travel. Constructed from durable yet lightweight materials, our wheelchairs are reliable, sleek, and functional.

  • Lightweight Chairs: Available in basic seat sizes, armrests, and leg rest options, our lightweight chairs have a low seat height, allowing you to propel with your feet. This chair is designed for use several hours a day, primarily on flat surfaces. It weighs between 24 and 34 pounds.
  • High-Strength Lightweight Chairs: This chair helps you maintain proper seated posture so you can propel with ease. Designed to be in the chair most of the day, patients can use this manual chair for most of their mobility. It weighs between 30 and 34 pounds.
  • Ultra-Lightweight Chairs: With options for an aluminum or titanium frame, this chair is designed for performance, efficiency, and ease of maneuverability on varying terrain. You can use this chair for all of your mobility, as it’s designed to accommodate individual tailoring for complex seating and functional needs.

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Empowering Your Health & Independence

Our durable medical equipment empowers individuals by enhancing their ability to manage health conditions independently, supporting an active and self-reliant lifestyle. We pride ourselves on offering an unparalleled customer service experience and top-quality products designed to meet the diverse needs of our patients. Our range of equipment, from manual wheelchairs to advanced mobility aids, is carefully selected from trusted brands to ensure reliability and durability. Contact us to find the right equipment for you, ensuring it perfectly matches your healthcare requirements while enhancing your independence and quality of life.

Quality Solutions for a Hassle-Free
Shopping Experience