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Home Oxygen Supplies in the Greater Peoria, IL Area

Complete Home Respiratory Care is a trusted provider of home oxygen supplies in the Greater Peoria, IL area. We understand the importance of having access to quality oxygen equipment for those who require it for medical purposes. We offer a wide range of supplies, including portable or stationary oxygen concentrators and refillable oxygen tanks. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to help you receive the quality medical equipment you need.

Senior man takes help in digital tablet from a young man

Portable and Home-Based Oxygen Solutions

We have home-based oxygen concentrators as well as portable POCs. Portable oxygen concentrators are a convenient and practical option for those who need to use oxygen on the go. These devices extract oxygen from the air and deliver it directly to the user through a nasal cannula or mask. They are lightweight, easy to transport, and can be powered by batteries or a power outlet. Our at-home oxygen concentrators are larger and more powerful than their portable counterparts, making them ideal for continuous use in a home setting.

senior woman wearing an oxygen mask

Refillable Oxygen Tanks Help Patients Breathe Easy

Our refillable oxygen tanks offer a more traditional method of receiving oxygen therapy. These tanks store oxygen in its gas form under high pressure, ensuring that users have a consistent and stable supply of oxygen whenever needed. Ideal for both short-term and long-term use, gaseous oxygen tanks are an essential component of oxygen therapy for individuals leading active lifestyles or those who prefer a straightforward, effective oxygen delivery system. The tanks can be replenished at our office or delivered to your home on a regular basis.

Senior Friends Having a Good Laugh

Enhancing Lives With Advanced Oxygen Therapy

Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment used to maintain adequate levels of oxygen in the bloodstream for those with respiratory disorders, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pneumonia, or heart failure. This therapy can significantly improve quality of life, ease symptoms of breathlessness, and increase exercise tolerance, allowing patients to engage more fully in daily activities. Our oxygen program provides quality services with state-of-the-art equipment. We take excellent care of patients with prompt, friendly assistance.

Mature man sitting on a table and using an inhalation machine at home

Breathing Made Easier With Oxygen Nebulizers

Our oxygen nebulizers are indispensable tools for patients needing respiratory support, particularly for those with asthma, COPD, or other lung conditions. These innovative devices transform liquid medication into a fine mist, ensuring deeper lung penetration and more effective medication absorption. Differing from standard oxygen therapy, which merely supplies air, our nebulizers directly deliver medication to the lungs, promptly easing symptoms and enhancing lung health. Designed for convenience and ease, they are a vital resource for those seeking immediate respiratory relief, usable in both clinical environments and the comfort of home.

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